Reiki and Everyday Living Part 4: Be Grateful Today’s Gokai lesson is “Be Grateful”. This is the last of the five precepts in this four-part series. I combined… Continue
Reiki and Everyday Living: Part 3 Work Hard
In: Reiki, Spirituality
Work Hard Sensei Usui advised us to follow the fourth Reiki principle: to work hard with integrity, but what does that mean? At first blush, that would seem… Continue
Reiki and Everyday Living: Part 1
In: Reiki, Spirituality
Reiki History To understand what Reiki is, you need to know a little about Reiki’s history. The Reiki Method is a Japanese form of rebalancing the energy in… Continue
What is Reiki: An Overview
In: Reiki

Introduction Reiki is a healing practice that originated in Japan. Practitioners place their hands lightly on or just above the person receiving treatment, intending to facilitate their healing… Continue
Book Review: Setting God Free:Awakening to Miracles
In: Reiki, Spirituality
Five Out of Five Stars for Setting God Free I completed a book by Sherri Lane titled Setting God Free: Awakening to Miracles. I would highly recommend this… Continue
Reiki: Profound Effects in Your Life
In: Classes, Japanese Reiki, Reiki

This article is a reprint with edits of the one I originally posted on November 10, 2011. My original website had technical issues, and I lost every post… Continue
Why Study Japanese Style Reiki
In: Classes, Japanese Reiki, Reiki

Why Study Japanese Style Over Other Reiki Forms All forms of Reiki have one thing in common: the energy that passes during the attunement/Reiju process originates from Sensei… Continue