Reiki and Everyday Living: Part 3 Work Hard

Work Hard

Image by John Hain from Pixabay

Sensei Usui advised us to follow the fourth Reiki principle: to work hard with integrity, but what does that mean?  At first blush, that would seem rather obvious. Work hard at whatever job we have and be productive in life. But the precept “Work hard with integrity” means to spend time knowing who you are as an individual and work diligently to become a whole and integrated person in body, mind, heart, and spirit. This makes perfect sense because Reiki healing is holistic, bringing harmony and balance to all Human energy fields.

In the last lesson, we talked about how Sensei Usui’s first healing was on himself.  That is the model we follow daily to practice self-healing techniques and work on ourselves. When we are open to working on ourselves, uncovering the muck and grime, and addressing any issues that need healing each day, our health and sense of well-being improve, and we gain an increased connection to God/Universal Energy/Source.  This partnership and alignment of ourselves to higher frequencies teaches us peace, gratitude, kindness, and integrity.

By meditating and doing Reiki treatments on ourselves and others, we can learn about our higher self, which is our true nature. When we are connected to Universal energy and higher consciousness, whatever we do is elevated to a higher level.  And each time we perform the Reiki Method, we open ourselves to thinking about our relationship with the creator or source of this energy.

One Comment on “Reiki and Everyday Living: Part 3 Work Hard

[…] high vibrational frequencies daily takes effort and hard work (going back to Part Three in the Series). It requires focus and awareness of everything around you at all times. Noticing those small […]

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