
Two feldspar species, orthoclase, and albite, compose Moonstone. First, the two species are intermingled. Then, as the newly formed mineral cools, the intergrowth of orthoclase and albite separates into stacked, alternating layers. When light falls between these thin, flat layers, it scatters in many directions producing the phenomenon called adularescence

Moonstone is sodium potassium aluminum silicate, with the chemical formula (Na,K)AlSi3O8. Moonstones may be white, cream, yellow, blue, or green, and their appearance is milky and translucent. India, Sri Lanka, and Australia are home to Moonstones. As its name suggests, it is a “stone of new beginnings” and associates with the moon and feminine energy. It is the perfect stone for women in India because of its association with the moon and the female reproductive system. In addition, this stone reminds us that everything is part of a cycle of change, just like the waxing and waning of the moon.

Moonstone has many uses, from enhancing intuition to clearing chakras. Consequently, It’s an excellent all-around holistic stone because it addresses psychological, mental, emotional, and physical issues. This stone makes conscious the unconscious and enhances intuition and empathy. 

Moonstones help balance all fluid systems in the body, such as the lymphatic and digestive systems. Because Moonstone gently balances and stabilizes all emotional states and helps release stress and tension, it is good to use on the sacral chakra. Moonstone opens the mind to sudden and irrational impulses, serendipity, and synchronicity.

Gem aficionados consider Moonston a Dream holder talisman.  Dream holders appear hazy, as if something is veiled or hidden from our sight, just beneath the surface. Moonstone is particularly powerful as a tool to help us focus our energy or hold on to our dreams. As a filter, these stones keep negative energy away from us and help us see the positive in situations rather than the negative.

The Archangel associated with Moonstone is Haniel.


One Comment on “Moonstone

Lewis Turner
February 20, 2023 at 7:36 pm

Couldn’t have said it better myself
This is an amazing stone! It’s so dreamy and has a really dreamy feel to it. I love its ability to help focus and hold onto your dreams.

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