
Acupressure is a technique related to acupuncture, where the body’s energies are regulated by manipulating points on the body. This affects emotions, tension, and physical conditions. It is an ancient healing art that uses the fingers to press key points, commonly called “acupuncture points,” “pressure points,” “acupoints”, or “acupressure points”, to stimulate the body’s natural self-curative abilities.

How does Acupressure work?

The concepts of the internal and external environment are fundamental to the philosophy of traditional Asian medicine. The human body encloses a perpetual flow of bioenergy, or life force, called “chi, “ki” or “qi.” It flows into the body and along pathways called “meridians,” influencing the functioning of all the organs. We remain healthy when the flow balances internally and externally. We become ill when external or internal events disturb the flow. Along the meridians are a large number of pressure points that act as “valves” for the flow of chi. Stimulating acupoints restores balance, relieving symptoms.

What are the benefits of Acupressure?

The most significant advantages of Acupressure’s healing touch are that it is safe to do on yourself and others – even if you’ve never done it before – so long as you follow the instructions and pay attention to the cautions. There are no side effects from drugs because there are no drugs. And the only equipment needed is your own two hands. You can practice acupressure therapy anytime, anywhere.

Will An Acupressurist diagnose or prescribe?

  • NO!  Acupressure is an adjunct to medical help, not a replacement for it. You should seek medical help if you have an urgent or acute problem. Acupressure should not be used in these circumstances:
    As the only treatment for illness, if you are sick, see a doctor
    If you have a heart condition
    Just before or within 20 minutes after heavy exercise, a large meal, or bathing
    If the point in question is under a mole, wart, varicose vein, abrasion, bruise, cut, or any other break in the skin.
    If you are pregnant, especially if you have more than three months
    If you are on blood thinners

We provide Facial Acupressure services as a stand-alone menu option. This session helps reduce stress, works on TMJ, relieves headaches, and improves the appearance of the skin.

Schedule your very own Acupressure class to learn how to create a self-care routine for yourself.