Reiki and Everyday Living Part 2: Be Kind
Today’s Gokai Lesson, “Be Kind”, is the third precept or principle from Sensei Usui, Reiki Method’s founder. Society expects and encourages us to sacrifice our well-being for others. Reiki energy teaches us that philosophy is false, and it is just as important, if not more so, to be kind to ourselves.
Personal growth and development is not always easy. We all like to think that we are good, kind individuals, which we are, but we also have parts of ourselves that we may feel ashamed of or embarrassed that we are capable of having negative thoughts and emotions about ourselves and others.
Holistic Healing
This duality, or yin/yang relationship, is necessary for us to continue to grow and to tend the garden of our emotional, physical, and spiritual selves. Using the weeding tools of understanding, we gain kindness and compassion for ourselves and others.
We often inaccurately believe that since we are so “spiritual” and “good”, we must fail in our growth process when we have feelings of jealousy, resentment, anger, frustration, lack of control, etc. That is not the case. We become more aware of our Ego when it rears its head. Many Spiritual authors, such as Dr. Wayne Dyer and Eckhart Tolle, write books that tell us when those “negative” emotions or reactions arise, we have become disconnected from our higher self. Because our higher self is the objective, detached self, our higher self does not resonate with the lower feeling vibrations. Instead, the lower feeling vibrations resonate with the Ego. Consequently, the Ego sabotages us from staying connected to God/Source/Universal energy.
It is part of our developmental growth that we experience these things because each time we delve into our shadow selves and actively engage in shadow work, we shine the light of understanding and compassion. Therefore, our energy resonates at a higher vibrational frequency.
Reiki Stories Illustrating Self Kindness
There are many tales and historical accounts of how the Reiki Method began. One story that the Usui Gakkai, or school, retells and passes down to their students describes that as Sensei Usui was leaving Mount Kurama when his 21-day retreat was over, he stubbed his toe on a rock on the way down and healed himself. Sensei Hiroshi Doi has confirmed this story and advises that this is the perfect example and proof that we heal ourselves first. Daily Reiki practice keeps us healthy, feels good, and connects to higher vibrational frequencies.
The author of the Usui Memorial inscription wrote: “To begin spreading the Reiki system, it is important to start from a place close to you (yourself); don’t start from something distant, such as philosophy or logic”. That is the primary reason Reiki teachers emphasize and reinforce the importance of self-treatment in a Reiki 1 or Shoden class because when the practitioner is healthy, they will be most effective in treating and teaching others.
Setting Boundaries
Another story widely told, but does have some minor differences, depending on which Reiki School/Philosophy recounts it, is the one related to Sensei Usui’s service of giving Reiki free to beggars in Beggar City. Sensei Usui selflessly gave Reiki to people who needed it at no charge. When he discovered that even though the beggars had been healed and could get jobs to support themselves but continued to beg because it was easier, he changed his mind about selflessly giving away his services because they weren’t appreciated.
There is debate among the Reiki community about whether to charge or donate services because of this story. Still, the deeper meaning behind this story is this: we cannot drain our resources and reserves to be kind to others without receiving recognition, reward, or appreciation from them because this is not healthy and is very self-destructive. Not recognizing yourself and having compassion for yourself damages self-respect. Setting boundaries and saying ‘no’ to people and situations that do not respect, honor, or appreciate your kindness is an integral part of the precept “Be Kind”.
If you haven’t read Part 1 of this series, you can find it here.